Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Where'd You Get That?

I don’t understand why so many people wear clothes that advertise the store they bought them from. Then again, they may not understand why I would wear a hat that advertises my choice in beer.

I believe that some sort of balancing force of the universe makes you take on the qualities you criticize in others. So I have decided to start criticizing people for their good looks.

A problem with listening to golden oldies radio stations is that after all the Beatles and Kinks and Dave Clark Five and Otis Redding and Simon & Garfunkel and such sooner or later you’re going to hear “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.”

Overheard wisdom from unseen philosopher in Penn Station men’s room: “EVERYbody has a song he can sing better than anybody else. EVERYbody has a song he can sing better than anybody else. EVERYbody...”
Overheard response from unseen critic: “Shut the FUCK up!”

Current favorite movie line:
“Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most.” Robert Duvall, “Secondhand Lions.”
Previous favorite:
“To the tables everyone, and stuff yourselves!” from “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (but not spoken by Errol Flynn)

Between Keats and Yeats I sometimes forget which to rhyme with Bates.

I don’t think my ego is looking out for my best interests.

I pretty much need a blood relationship not to find a talkative child annoying.

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